

One of the hottest groups to come out of the south of France, BandàpArt is a young gypsy folk group from Bedarieux who is currently gearing up for their third US Tour in 2016. After being finalists in the Imagine France Festival and having played alongside such great groups as Les Barbeaux, The Plastic Revolution, Le Purple D'la Orb, QUEL BORDEL!, they have become regulars on the European festival circuit. They are also on French commercial radio and have just released several videos for their new singles. Their debut record "Le Temps D'un Ete" was recorded and released in the US, released by Mannequin Vanity Records in 2012 -- and has sold a few thousand copies worldwide. Their followup EP "En Route" is heating up the indie charts as well as gaining rave reviews from music aficionados all over! Look for a high-energy and fun-filled show when they hit the stage, this band gets everyone of all ages dancing!


Ariane Cap


Ben Jones