


The earliest sensation I remember is cold, the complete and utter cold of my grave. With the shadows of the dark past behind me. After getting over the shock of becoming undead I realized what I missed most was the steady rhythmic beating of my heart. That inner symphony. In the daylight hours, hidden in my darken cave, before the sleep of death over takes me, that is when I miss it most. The silence drove me crazy, drove me to find something to fill the emptiness. For a millennia I skulked through dining halls, crept through discos, and found some release with the thrum and thrash and the electrifying energy. But again this is only a temporary fix. Until the day came, when I did find the cure for my emptiness. From that day on the one thing that has never left my side and takes me to places that I never thought I would go is my AXE. The thick vibrations instantly filled me, sated that desire and it felt like home. Then came XNO. That is were I found my home. I am no longer looking for that place of belonging. I am not the outcast that has no place to go. It is here were my inner thoughts are able to come out and see the world for what it is. For now I can communicate with the rest of the planet with the sound and words through one of SO CAL elite bands. XNO


Skunk Manhattan


Stefan Dolegowski