Kevin R. Scholl


Playing bass guitar since late early 1978, Kevin is a multi-instrumentalist playing rhythm/lead guitar (favoring the acoustic), drums, keyboard and piano… in that order by the love and proficiency of playing each instrument. When he switch to bass guitar when his band needed a bassist, he realized he had found his niche, especially when it came to playing bass and singing at the same time. Kevin is also a singer/songwriter and loves to record and perform live. 
“My first recollection of really getting into music was singing singing popular hits from AM radio to the neighborhood kids in my garage back in 1971. Artists like the Carpenters, Three Dog Night, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Jackson 5, Simon & Garfunkel, Tony Orlando & Dawn and The Partridge Family were in my repertoire. Not having a microphone, I would use the self charging, Japanese flashlight my uncle had gave me.
Kevin has played in numerous bands over the years in the Orange County/Riverside areas of California at places like The Woodstock, Radio City, The French Quarter, Cook’s Corner, Goodies, Gazzarri’s, Mission Tobacco Lounge, Back to the Grind, The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach (God rest its soul) back yard parties and a boat in Huntington Harbor.
Kevin’s biggest highlight came in June of 1983. The band he was in, 4 on 1, got the chance to open for Berlin (Take My Breath Away & Riding on the Metro) at Rain Cross Square in Riverside which is now the Riverside Municipal Auditorium. 
Since 1996 Kevin has played with worship teams at the churches he’s attended. His main instrument being bass, vocals then the acoustic guitar. Kevin is also a worship leader filling in at different churches from time to time and leads the music on Wednesday night at his church. 
Meeting Keith last January through a friend on FB, then at the winter NAMM last January started a really cool musical friendship.  About his Tsunami Cables: “I can say that I didn’t know what to expect from them. In the past, new cables in everything sounded the same as old one, no measurable difference. With Tsunami Cables, the difference was an immediate, instantaneous sonic/tonal difference!!!! Stunned I was and still am.  Keith’s cables have really changed my tonal life forever!”  
Thank you Keith for the Amazing cables of “Tonal - Awesomeness” & being a part of the Tsunami Family!


Kent Beatty


Kris Urquides