Ed to Shred


Ed To Shred came about as the result of interstellar forces combining to form a power trio like none other. The story of Ed starts light years ago, when as a youth Ed heard the sounds of 80’s guitar virtuosos on his home planet of Ionia Prime. Ed believed that his guitar playing would be an asset to that genre, and he decided to come to Earth. However, Ed’s time travel skills were not as honed as his six-string skills and he crash landed in the southwest in 1947. The United States Army recovered ED and his ship. Not knowing what to do with a musician so far ahead of his time, Ed was frozen in carbonite in Area 51, placed in storage, and lost in the paperwork of US Government trying hard to deny the existence of UFO’s.

In the late 2000’s, Ed was discovered in cryogenics by a field agent of the NSA (National Shred Agency) named Agent J. Agent J knew that Ed had missed his time but maybe a resurgence of instrumental guitar was what the world needed to bring peace, harmony, and tasty shred guitar back to the masses. Ed was thawed, debriefed, and given the opportunity to show off his decimating fret board antics.


E Pruitt


Eddie Ellis